Our Vision, Our Mission, Our Calling
We envision a congregation being renewed by the Holy Spirit because its members are engaged in God’s mission of nurture, outreach and witness
Sometimes people call The United Methodist Church “the church of the warm heart” because we have a history of caring about and working to create justice for all people.
It all started with founder John Wesley, who felt his own heart strangely warmed nearly three centuries ago. After this experience he was compelled to reach out to England’s poorest citizens, which he did with the help of his brother Charles. Their work launched a movement that spread to the American colonies and took hold with a fervor that still exists almost 300 years later.
During that time, our hearts have led us to build almost as many schools as churches. Methodists were among the first to create institutions of learning for settlers, women, and newly freed slaves. There are now 120 United Methodist institutions, including schools outside the U.S., most notably Africa University in Zimbabwe.
Today United Methodists comprise the second largest Protestant denomination in the United States. Our churches are connected by a system that guides our work and governs our policies. We continue to take the lead in social, spiritual, political, and moral concerns.
In the tradition of John and Charles Wesley, our members study Scripture, to encourage thoughtful debate, and confront the tough issues of the day. We still lead with our hearts, keep our minds open, and welcome everyone through our doors.
Taken from The People of the United Methodist Church, 2001. The United Methodist Publishing House